Tag Archives: #fissc

Invitasjon til Nordisk Adventure Race

Da er invitasjonen til Nordisk Adventure Race her!
– les mer herunder eller i vedlagte invitasjon.

Hvornår: Starter 27. juni og ender 4. juli 2022.
Hvor: Race’et er på Færøerne
Deltagere: Deltagerne er spejdere i god form, fra Danmark, Island, Norge, Sverige, Finland,
Færøerne og muligvis Grønland.
Ledere: Hvert deltagende land skal have 1 leder for hver 6 deltagende spejdere.
Pris: Se invitasjonen.
Tilmelding: Foregår som online tilmelding. Alt der vedrører Nordic Adventure Race  kan ses på vores Facebook side @NordicAdventureRace og på vores hjemmeside http://nordicadventurerace.fo/

Nordisk Trekløver-Gilwell trening

NEW DATES in 2021 and 2022 below!

Is it time to enliven Scouting? Is it time to look deeper into why you are a Scout leader?
Are you a trainer, unit leader or have other roles in the Scout movement and would like to have the opportunity to reflect upon why it is you are doing what you are doing in Scouting?

Would you like to recharge your batteries by reconnecting with your urge to be a scout leader?

Then Treklöver Gilwell (TG) is the right leadership training for you!

Prior knowledge
The training is open to Scout leaders with at least three years experience and whom have already participated in basic Scout leadership training. To participate in the training you should be at least 23 years old. This training course also requires that you understand and can make yourself understood in English.

About the training

The Treklöver-Gilwell (Wood Badge) training has a long international tradition and the training has developed in line with the Scout movement and society. 2019 marks the 100 years of Wood Badge Training with centenary celebrations all over the world.

Treklöver Gilwell is a coherent and advanced leadership training where participants are given the opportunity to experience and practice Scouting while reflecting both individually and jointly on different theories.  To be able to include participants from all Nordic countries, the training will be held in English.

Kurstillfälle 1                                                 Kurstillfälle 2

Plats: Kungshol in Rättvik, Sweden            Plats: Gilwellstugan in Flen, Sweden
Datum:                                                            Datum:
2021-07-16 – 2021-07-23                            2022-01-28 – 2021-01-30