Ung i Norden 2024 invitation

English below

Velkommen til Ung i Norden 2024

Finland er vært for Ung i Norden i Helsinki fra den 11. – 13. oktober i år. Sessionerne kommer til at være på Partioasema, vores spejderkontor, og deltagerne vil være logeret på et hostel tæt ved.

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NSK24 Velkomst – Símun Michael Sørensen

Dear Nordic friends. Dear guests.

It is an honour for me to welcome you to Nordic Scout Conference 2024 here in the Faroe Islands.

It has been 6 years since we last time met in this conference in person. Three years ago we had to meet online because of the covid pandemic. That was a necessary and good solution at that time, but I think we can agree on, that it is better to meet in person and be together in the same room.

The Faroe Islands have had the presidency of the Nordic Scout Komité for the last 3 years. It has been a privilege for us. Thank you for trusting us with the presidency and the conference.

When we took on the presidency in 2022, it had been 16 years since the last time we had this responsibility. Therefore, we can also admit, that it was a challenge for us. Everyone was new to this assignment. So we had to find our feet. But I think we managed to do that. And we really look forward to hosting this conference for the next days.

The Nordic Guide and Scout Conference is an important part of the Nordic co-operation. This is where we make decisions on matters affecting us all in the Nordic, but this is also where we come together to celebrate what we have in common.

We celebrate what we have in common – for common is good. And the conference is arranged according to the same democratic principles that guide the rest of our Nordic co-operation. The Faroe Islands may be hosting the conference, but we all provide the content, which will add to our rich history of Nordic Guiding and Scouting.

The topic of the Nordic Scout Conference this year is Changing Times.

They say that every generation thinks, that change comes too fast. And we also know that feeling. In 1963 Bob Dylan recorded a famous song (an anthem) about change. And he sang: “You better start swimmin’ or you’ll sink like a stone / For the times they are a-changin’.”

And I think it is fair to say, that also we live in times of change. I would say in times of big change. Of fast change. We experience it in so many areas of society. In technology. In production. In education. In personal rights. In international affairs. And also in the world of scouts.

Therefore, we look forward to discuss topics of change in this conference. Let us meet and talk. Debate. Be open-minded. Learn from each other. And let us also have informal talks. Get to know each other as persons. Laugh and have fun. Let us use this fantastic opportunity to strengthen our old and close relationship as persons, Nordic people and scouts.

The badge of this year’s conference is the Dandelion. It is one of the flowers that changes the most. So it can be our symbol of change. It has been a Western tradition to blow out a Dandelion seedhead and think of a wish to come through.

My wish is that we will have an inspiring, challenging and giving conference for the next 3 days.

Welcome to the Nordic Scout Conference 2024. Thank you!


NSK24 Keynote – Bjørt Samuelsen

English version below

Dear scouts, kære spejdere, kære alle sammen

Det er mig en ære at stå her sammen med jer til en stor spejderkonference her i Norðurlandahúsið. Hjertelig velkommen til Færøerne!

I mødes her for at tale og diskutere emner som den grønne omstilling, krig i Europa, køn og kønsidentitet og teknologi. Emner, som er relevante og vigtige for os alle.

I Færøerne bor der 55 tusind indbyggere og her er næsten 1000 spejdere. Kring om i verden finder der omkring 55 millioner spejdere. For hver færing findes der altså næsten 1000 spejdere i verdens lande. Dét er imponerende.

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NSK24 Keynote – Aksel V. Johannesen

Keynote speech, Aksel V. Johannesen, Prime Minister of the Faroe Islands

[This speech was delivered in Nordic but has passed through an AI translator and subsequently edited by humans. The original AI translation had mostly translated the Nordic word for “scout”, which is “spejder”, as “spy”. The original speech in nordic is below.]

Kaere Nordic scouts,

It is an honour to stand before you today at this great Nordic Scout conference. From every corner of the Nordic region, we are gathered on the Faroe Islands – the heart of the North Atlantic.

Welcome everybody!

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Save the Date: Nordic Adventure Race 2024

5. -8. August 2024!

Nordic Adventure Race brings together scouts from across the Nordic countries to compete through teamwork, in showcasing scouting skills, and conquering thrilling challenges. Who will earn the most points? Whose TikTok account will reign supreme? Who will emerge victorious in this epic race?

This year you can expect hiking with full backpacks, vikings, limited sleep, social media, friendship and physical challenges.

Save The Date: Ung I Norden 2024

English below

Ung I Norden, som i år er i Finland, bliver afholdt fra den 11. til d. 13. oktober. Ung I Norden kommer til at være i Helsinki.
Information omkring registrering og alt andet kommer i forår.

Ung I Norden, which will be hosted in Finland this year, will be held from the 11. to 13. October. It will be held in Helsinki.
Information regarding registration and anything else will be forthcoming in spring.


Invitation til Nordisk Spejderkonference 2024

Hej alle!
Det er med stor glæde, at vi officielt kan sende jer invitation til Nordisk Spejderkonference 2024.
I kommer i de næste par dage at få tilsendt en provisorisk agenda samt invitation til workshopmøde.
Tøv ikke at skrive, hvis I har spørgsmål!

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Save the Date: Function based network meeting 2023

Hello all,

Autumn has come and the end of the year is coming closer. The Guides and Scouts of Finland are happy to invite you all to the 2023 Function based Network meeting!

The Function based Network meeting 2023, is a joint meeting of all Nordic countries, which will be organized on November 29, 2023 at 19:00-21:00 (Finnish time) in Teams. In the virtual event, we will be divided by activity sector to discuss with counterparts from the other countries.

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Go Global 2023 i København

English below!!

Go Global 2023 i København

I weekenden var 20 spejdere fra alle de nordiske lande samlet i hovedstadsområdet med interesse for mulighederne inden for det internationale spejderarbejde. I løbet af weekenden var aktiviteterne sat til at udvide deltagernes viden om WAGGGS og WOSM, og vigtigst af alt danne nye venskaber mellem nordiske spejdere. Continue reading