Go Global 2023 i København

English below!!

Go Global 2023 i København

I weekenden var 20 spejdere fra alle de nordiske lande samlet i hovedstadsområdet med interesse for mulighederne inden for det internationale spejderarbejde. I løbet af weekenden var aktiviteterne sat til at udvide deltagernes viden om WAGGGS og WOSM, og vigtigst af alt danne nye venskaber mellem nordiske spejdere.

Weekenden startede med et spejderløb gennem København, hvor deltagerne i patruljer fik mødt regionale og globale frivillige fra WAGGS og WOSM og fik testet deres viden om verdensorganisationerne.

Signe Marie Obel, som er nyvalgt til WAGGGS World Board, gav en session om WAGGGS’ arbejde og “Speak Out for Her world” Toolkit om Advocacy/fortalervirksomhed.

Med udgangspunkt i dette delte Susanne Kolle fra initiativet Social Innovation fra The Joint Committee of Girl Guides in Denmark en session om Social Innovation bygget op omkring de fire trin i Design for Change-modellen. Her arbejdede deltagerne med problemstillinger, som kan gøre en positiv forskel i deres lokalsamfund eller ved at forbinde nordiske spejdere.

Under Cultural Evening, hvor deltagerne delte de bedste snacks og drikkevarer fra de nordiske lande, lavede Spejderne fra KROPT, som en overraskelse, et lille Adventurespejderløb til os. Fantasirammen for dette løb var, at hytten pludselig blev inficeret af en virus. Deltagerne ville selvfølgelig gerne hjælpe med at stoppe virussen, og tog på mission for at finde en kur ude i skoven. Dette blev sat som en best practice-oplevelse i den virkelige verden med en kort forklaring sent om aftenen om, hvordan Adventurespejd er en tradition i dansk spejderarbejde.

Deltagerne er nu ivrige efter flere internationale oplevelser og muligheder, og forhåbentlig mødes de allerede til Nordisk Spejderkonference Conference på Færøerne, Roverway i Norge eller tilbage i Danmark til Nordic Adventure Race.




Go Global 2023 in Copenhagen

This weekend 20 Guides and Scouts from all Nordic countries were gathered in the Greater Copenhagen area with the interest in the opportunities within the international world of Guiding and Scouting. During the weekend the activities were set to extend the participants’ knowledge about WAGGGS and WOSM, and most importantly build new friendships between Nordic Guides and Scouts.

The weekend started with an activity race through Copenhagen, where the participants in patrols got to meet regional and global volunteers from WAGGS and WOSM and got to test their knowledge about the world organisations. Signe Marie Obel, who is newly elected for WAGGGS World Board, gave a session about the work of WAGGGS and the “Speak Out for Her world” Toolkit on Advocacy. Building on this, Susanne Kolle from the Social Innovation initiative from The Joint Committee of Girl Guides in Denmark shared a session on Social Innovation build around the four steps in the Design for Change model. Here the participants worked on issues in which they see them being able to make initiatives, which will help their local communities or connect Nordic Guiding and Scouting.

During the Cultural Evening, where the participants shared the best snacks and drinks from the Nordic countries, the Guides and Scouts from KROPT made a small Adventure Scouting race for us as a surprise. The fantasy frame of this race was that the house suddenly was infected by a virus. Of course, the participants wanted to help stop the virus, and went on a mission to find a cure out in the forest. This was set as a real-life best practice experience with an additional late night short session on how Adventure Scouting is a tradition in Danish Guiding and Scouting. The participants are now eager for more international opportunities, and hopefully they will meet already at the Nordic Guide and Scout Conference in the Fareo Islands, Roverway in Norway or back in Denmark for Nordic Adventure Race.